Thursday, February 05, 2009

New titles on education

Two books crossed our desks this week that caught our eye. College and University Law Manual, published by MCLE is arriving at the 17 law libraries. It includes chapters on student discipline, privacy and violence, as well as sections on intellectual property in the context of a university, and of course, a section on Title IX and student athletics. The chapter that caught our eye was on institutional funds, included restricted gifts and endowments. Timely, in light of recent events at Brandeis and other schools. Another chapter covered the issue of academic research compliance and misconduct.
The second book is entitled Disciplining students with behavioral problems in a legally compliant manner, published by National Business Institute. It highlights case law, and has a section on bullying. We also have a topical page on Bullying, which is an issue of recent concern. This title is available at a few locations, but can be borrowed throughout the system.
Remember, we are lending libraries, and you can take most of our materials out for two weeks at a time. Find out how to get a card.