Going to court for the first time can be a little overwhelming. Help is at hand for anyone with a case pending in the Norfolk County Probate and Family Court, or anyone who is contemplating such an action. The Probate and Family Court has announced a monthly program that will help litigants understand the process of maneuvering through the court. The next session is April 29, 2009. This is being billed as a pilot program so hopefully they will expand to other counties if this program is successful. Staff members from our Norfolk Law Library will be among the presenters. According to the press release,
"'Navigation Through the Probate and Family Court' is an educational program being presented by staff and others partnering with the Norfolk Probate and Family Court, including the Norfolk Law Library. Basic information regarding the Probate and Family Court process will be presented, followed by a general question and answer period. Topics will include, but not be limited to: court protocol, basic filing information, services available, resources, how and where to obtain legal assistance and the limitations of the court. The Program will take place the last Wednesday of each month beginning March 25, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. and should run approximately 1 ½ hours. The location for at least the first six (6) meetings will be Canton High School, 990 Washington Street, Canton MA."