Monday, February 04, 2013

Limited Assistance Representation in the Land Court

Effective January 2, 2013, the New Land Court Standing Order 1-12 provides guidelines for limited assistance representation. 

Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) permits an attorney, either for payment, lesser payment or no payment (pro bono), to assist a self-represented litigant on a limited basis without undertaking a full representation of the client on all issues related to the legal matter for which the attorney is engaged.  

With the implementation of the LAR, a pro se litigant who can't afford an attorney to represent in them in the Land Couirt will be able to hire an attorney for a lesser fee for part of a case and thereby get representation they wouldn’t otherwise have, at a cost they can afford.

The Administrative Office of the Land Court also provides a helpful Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) Information Sheet to answer frequently asked questions.  Look at "Land Court Forms" section for two new forms issued for use with limited representation cases.

For more on representing yourself see our page on Massachusetts Law About Self-Represented Litigants.