Saturday, May 18, 2013

Resources for active and retired military members

May 18 is Armed Forces Day.  This day is a celebration of the Armed forces of the United States.  It is observed on the third Saturday of May and it honors active duty personnel and the abilities of the services.  According to the Department of Defense, it was established to make civilians aware of the jobs done by the military in times of peace and war.

There are many good resources for military personnel.  Military OneSource is an online resource for active military members on money, health care, education, jobs and family.

From the Defense Finance and Accounting Service you can find information on military pay tables, debt information, garnishment of wages and an abundance of other information.

Also check out our Law About Veterans page.  It has information for current members of the military, such as the link to which explains the laws protecting the civil rights of military personnel and veterans.

A good print resource is The Military Advantage which is available to borrow with your Massachusetts Trial Court Law Library card.