Although many of us may think human trafficking is a problem somewhere else, it is a problem across Massachusetts.
Representing Victims of Human Trafficking in Massachusetts, A Guide for Attorneys "is a comprehensive resource that provides an overview of human trafficking in Massachusetts to help attorneys identify victims and determine how to meet their legal and non-legal needs...with helpful guidance in a variety of areas of law, including employment, immigration, and criminal law..."
The Guide, written by collaborators WilmerHale, Lutheran Social Services of New England and the B. U. School of Law Human Trafficking Clinic, comes upon the heels of a Massachusetts human trafficking law and a report to the legislature.
On Nov. 21, 2011, Gov. Patrick signed into law H. 3808, "An Act Relative to the Commercial Exploitation of People." This law strengthened protections for victims of human trafficking and prostitution and increased punishment for offenders. It became effective on Feb. 19, 2012.
The legislation also created an Interagency Human Trafficking Task Force chaired by the Attorney General to make recommendations for a comprehensive approach to address human trafficking in Mass. The Task Force's "Findings and Recommendations" were submitted to the legislature on Aug. 19, 2013.