The number of people using social media has blossomed over the years. Once thought of as simply a way to catch up with old friends and keep up with new ones (the good), the dissemination of personal information has impacted the lives of many people (the bad), even leading to lawsuits (the ugly).
To help sort out the multitude of issues, a number of books have been written, many of which are available at the Trial Court Law Libraries. One can borrow the ABA's Social media as evidence, Suffolk University Law School's, Social networking sites: law, policy, and practical strategies, or one of MCLE's, The impact of social media and other electronic evidence on your domestic relations practice, Using social media to win cases, or Employment law landmines in social media.
The bottom line is, do not post anything online unless you are comfortable sharing it with your spouse, parents, in-laws, grandparents, children, siblings, bosses, future bosses,....and the list goes on.